Hello readers today i'm going to be making a blog post about drama. We have learned CARR VALUES. Here are some example of CARR VALUES. Hello readers today I will be making a new blog post about Carr values. Our group made about respect, i’m with Jullien,kya,falicity. We worked well by sharing ideas on respect. We successfully did the task given to us. We learned a lot of things. Here are some more things we have learned in drama. We picked cards, my group picked happy actions, we did actions with singing this is our song. When your happy and you know clap your hands, we demonstrated it to our schoolmates and they said it was fun all of us liked it they clapped for our group and we all did it together. The other groups didn't demonstrate I think its only us that demonstrated. These is the thing were written on the cards.
Chorus of Voice & Movement: Step by Step
You have 5 minutes to:![C:\Users\ck\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\D5I1KXZ3\dancing-people[1].png](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/bSmoHN-WE6H46juDfVe38oPYeIaSxyuRtITabdT7-QWviQWu0GZ5T9YPCySg89FY1X8UzU__VQo1fBpCNpMW-BiyBhKn65kmgUj5FjdfxNX4mqbevGZnQyYKKBcSqD-S2AL1cHnR)
DECIDE: a character’s emotion from your piece
CHOOSE: 1 or 2 words or phrases that express that emotion to repeat together as a chorus.
DECIDE: how to change your volume within the scene: whispering to loud? Loud to a whisper?
CHOOSE: Choose 1 or 2 moves that express the emotion to repeat together as a chorus.
DECIDE: what pathway (direction) you will take in the space: will you move in a circle? Surround one character? Diagonal lines? Confront the audience at the front edge of the stage?
REHEARSE the scene 3-4 time -10 minutes
PERFORM scene to the class
here are Some more things.
today were going to be making a new blog post about drama. We did spiritual well- being, we didn't do that much today but i'm going to tell you more of what we have done. We made puppets to make a puppet show, we haven't make a puppet show yet but we will. We also worked on puberty but i'm not allowed to tell you what we did. Here is a picture of what we did.
here are some more things.
We did physical ability's physical ability is like having much stamina,strength,balance. or you can just call it fitness if you did fitness your brain would warm up and it can almost answer hard questions. Here is a video of my group doing it.
here is some of our last perfomances.
here are Some more things.
today were going to be making a new blog post about drama. We did spiritual well- being, we didn't do that much today but i'm going to tell you more of what we have done. We made puppets to make a puppet show, we haven't make a puppet show yet but we will. We also worked on puberty but i'm not allowed to tell you what we did. Here is a picture of what we did.
here are some more things.
We did physical ability's physical ability is like having much stamina,strength,balance. or you can just call it fitness if you did fitness your brain would warm up and it can almost answer hard questions. Here is a video of my group doing it.
here is some of our last perfomances.