
Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Parihaka and New Zealand wars.

Hello readers, today I'm going to be making a new blog post about Parihaka. Parihaka is a village beside a mountain called MT. Parahaki. Our task is to read this whole article about Parihaka and post it on our blogs. Parihaka was invaded by 1600 army men from the British. They wanted the land and tried to SCAM the Maori people for it. They we're offering a little ammount of money, they didn't want to sell their land. The British now invaded them and put them in prison. They wore leaves on their head while they are taking them one by one. The leaves on the head means peace and safe resistance. Passive resistance means trying to achieve social change without harm to people. The prisoners we're prisoned till 1860 to 1881 it was 21 YEARS!. I feel really sad for the Maori people because they didn't do anything wrong. Once every year in the day of the Parihaka, Maori people visit the prison and do some rituals.  Here is a picture of Parihaka. 

Remembering the Invasion of Parihaka | Post Mag

New Zealand Wars. The Maori people population dropped cause of sickness and war, the name of the main settlement in Aotearoa New Zealand is Russel - kororareka. The Rangatira and missionaries  is unhappy with the happening in town because of British taking over and over partying. The Treaty of waitangi was neglected by rats, water and rotted. The thing that was set up on 1883 was to help resolve the situation is united tribes. The British saw France as a threat because they were taking their land. The guy that set up the New Zealand Company was Edward Gibson.

The British send Hobson to New Zealand to stop the war. The population of  Maori people that went to Sign the treaty was 40. The problem of the was the treaty was written is no being translated properly. Tino Rangatiratanga is having your own Authority. Sovereignty means controlling the crown. The Kawanatanga thought to mean that misused. The Maori believed that it was going to help them but they sold the land of little fortune. Hono Heke showed his frustration by cutting down the flag of the British. The methods that the Maori used to beah the British was log walls, pits and trenches. 

- Women in war. 

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Different Angles and Camera Shots.

Hello readers today I'm going to be making a new blog post about different angles and camera shots. I did two DLO's on two google drawings, our class task is to make a DLO and research about the different angles. We are doing this to learn about the different camera shot and learn them by researching. We are learning this because we are going to watch a film and so we know what is happening.  Here is my DLO I hope you like it. 

This is the end of my blog post please comment me about what you  have learnt. 

Friday, 19 February 2021


 Hello readers today I'm going to be making a new blog post about ESOL. Today is my second 3rd session for ESOL and I can rate it 10 out 10. Being in this class is really fun because we get to play ESOL games with our friends. On our second session on ESOL our teacher needed to go the hospital  that her daughter is in. We had some free time, it was so fun being with MR Wilson. We had an agreement that every Friday we are going to be making a new blog post. Our task is to write about what we love to do in the weekend. For me, I really love going to my friends house and invite them to play basketball with me. Sometimes I just like staying in my friends house and play some games. Sometimes in thea weekend, my dad teaches me how to play the guitar. I also like playing video games at home with my friends.  Sometimes every weekend, my friends families go to our house to have dinner. We talk to each other and tell them stories of what we do at school. When they come over, they sometimes have a sleepover. We sleep really late and  we wake up really late too. Sometimes we go to church for 2 hours, we learn about the bible. Sometimes  in the weekend I sleep if i'm tired from school. This weekend I'm planning to stay at home and spend my time with my family, we can watch movies while eating snacks. This is the end of my blog post and I hope you liked it. BYE!!!

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Zombie Apocalypse Posters

Hello readers today I'm going to be making a new blog post about Zombie Apocalypse. Our task is to be in a group and make a film or work individually and make 2 posters with zombie apocalypse rules. I made 1 poster on a google drawing and one on Canva. Today is my first day using Canva it's really easy to use and I really recommend it n making posters. Here is the work that I did for the Zombie Apocalypse rules.  

This is the one that I did on a google drawing and I think it looks really cool. 
This is the one that I did on Canva and its one of the best posters that I have ever made. I think it looks really cool. What do you think about it? This is the end of my blog post. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Follow me so when I post a new COOL blog post you can receive an email. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Taika Waititi Facts.

Hello readers today I'm made a blog post about Taika Waititi. We need to research and collect some information about him. We can put the information on google docs, we can make a DLO or a blog post. I'm working with Sidney and he suggested that we should do it on our blogs so we get straight to the work. Here are some facts about Taika Waititi that we researched. First of all, his dad is a gang member. His name is Taika Cohen. Taika Waititi, is a New Zealand film actor. Taika Waititi is actually Jewish. I really thought that he was Maori. He is a Nap- A- Holic this means  that he always sleeps and he is addicted to it. Growing up, his favourite Marvel team was X Men. He loves the mutants and specially the Brazilian Lady. He's real and full name is Taika David Waititi. His net worth is over 3 million dollars. My friend Sidney told me that he also was the actor for Thor on Ragnarok. Here is a picture of Taika Waititi.

This is the end of our blog post, I hope you liked it. Please comment on my blog post your favourite fact about Taika Waititi. BYE! 

Monday, 15 February 2021

Human Bones.

 Hello readers today I'm going to be making a new blog post about Humans. I'm in a Biology class and we need to pick an animal and research about it. I picked human. Now I need to put some facts about them. A human moves with two legs, a human has 2 hands. A human is that smart it doesn't need to walk to move. They can use transportations like cars. Humans move like an inverted swinging pendulum. A pendulum is a body suspended fixed point so that it swings back. This is how humans walk or run. Humans don't need to chase food and run away from predators,  but they can if they want. There are still some hunters that hunt food to eat. Adult human has 206 bones, there are 26 bones on a human foot, a human hand including a wrist has 54 bones,  the thigh bone is that longest bone in our bodies, the stapes in the middle of a humans is the lightest bone and the smallest one. Tendons can attach to muscles such an eyeball. A ligament is a connective tissue that attaches bone to bone. Here is a picture of a human skeleton:

This is the end of my blog post, I hope you liked it. Leave a comment about your favorite fact.

Friday, 12 February 2021

ESOL Feb 12

 Hello readers today I'm going to be making  a new blog post about ESOL. Today is the 12th of February and it's my first day. I think this class it all about Learning to be confident to speak English and also to get connected with other students. Today we are learning about the 321 RIQ. It's what we should put and do on our blogs. The first one is 3R which means 3 Recalls. Recall means what we remember and that's what we put on. The next one is 2I, It means 2 insights. Insight is what we learnt and understand we need to put 2 insights on our blog. The last one is 1Q, which means 1 question. 1 question I have about something I didn't understand or still want to know more about. ESOL means  English for Speakers of Other Languages.

Please comment on my blog post and give feedback about my writing BYE!!!!