Hello readers today I'm going to be making a new blog pot about science. We are talking about astrobiology, finding extraterrestrial life in space.
What was the main idea of this article, what was it about? The main idea of this article is looking or finding extraterrestrial lives. The Goldilock zone is a habitable zone around a star. There are a lot of goldilocks zone all around the universe and our solar system is one of them.
What is the ‘Goldilocks zone’ or the ‘habitable zone’? Can you add detail to explain what this term means. Habitable means there can be life, or you can live on it.
Why is mass important? What does it have to do with gravity? When an object is sitting still, it resists moving, and the more mass it has the more to fight.
How are Antarctica and Mars similar? Provide two examples from the text that compare the two. Antarctica and mars is similar because of the icicle around the land. Its the same because the land is covered in ice.